Logandale – February 2014

Spring fever has hit especially hard this year as the local temps have been in the upper 40’s to low 50’s. There’s still a lot of snow in the mountains around here so the decision was to head south even though it meant de-winterizing the travel trailer. This time we…

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Cedar Mountains -August 2013

This was a great ride on the ATV’s. Did a little caching and a lot of sight seeing. I was hoping to see some wild horses and sure enough we ran into a heard of about 50. A little windy today but it was overcast and the temps were very…

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Adams Canyon Cabin

 Adams Canyon Cabin This is a hike I have been wanting to do for quite some time. I met with Brandon at 0730 at the Adams canyon trail head. We waited around for a few others we invited but after fifteen minutes or so Brandon and I decided to start…

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